Town looks to add second deputy commish to building department

Town looks to add second deputy commish to building department
North Hempstead Town Hall will be the subject of elevator repairs. (Photo by Jim Henderson via Wikimedia Commons)

North Hempstead officials said on Thursday the town wants to hire a second deputy commissioner for the building department — a position the that would not be budgeted for this year.

If the town hires a second deputy commissioner in 2017, funding would come from the fee reserve, which the town dedicated to “increasing staffing to improve service,” Carole Trottere, a town spokeswoman, said.

The position will be budgeted if it is filled in 2018, she said.

The second deputy commissioner would allow the department to have a additional person to oversee illegal housing, rental registrations and public assembly at restaurants, Trottere said.

The current deputy commissioner for the building department makes $101,972.

“This new deputy position is part of the town’s long-range initiative that continues to upgrade and expand the services provided by the building department,” town Supervisor Judi Bosworth said. “Our goal is to have the department run as efficiently and effectively as possible.”

Many town departments, especially the bigger ones, have two deputy commissioners, Trottere said.

“The building department is a very busy department,” she said.

The building department has 43 full-time employees, four part time and one seasonal employee.

“This new position will enable the department to have additional supervision in overseeing issues such as illegal housing, rental registrations, and public assembly at restaurants, where the health, safety and welfare of residents is at stake,” Bosworth said.

The town has not yet advertised the position because it still needs to be approved by the state Civil Service Commission before it can be posted, Trottere said.

The Town Council will hold a public hearing on June 6 about creating a new position in the building department.

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