Last year, the Great Neck school district had the steepest-ever budget jump of $7 million (from $234.4 million to $241.4 million) in its 206-year history bizarrely occurring during a pandemic shutdown.
This year, while the COVID is still present, the proposed jump is even steeper, $10.6 million (from $241.4 million to $252 million), more bizarrely, occurring while many property owners are subjected to sizable tax increases due to property re-assessments.
Michael Glickman is running for the board of education. He certainly is brilliant, he cares for the betterment of education at GNPS, he is conscientious about overtaxing the residents which leads to property value reduction and he has so much to offer to the board of education.
Choosing Michael Glickman for the board of Great Neck Public Schools is the sane and correct decision. He has all of his three children currently attending the Great Neck Public Schools.
Undoubtedly, Mr. Glickman would do his best to improve the quality of education in the schools while it is clear that he is intending to cut the waste and reduce the cost.
Voting other than Glickman reminds of this quote attributed to Einstein:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.“
Eli Hematian
Great Neck
Over 70of our taxes to go the GNS. According to the board this is needed to send our kids to Elite colleges. We are miss educating the elite. The Elite that will create wealth for themselves. We are creating a big divide between the rich and the one that have less.
We are also creating wealth for the expensive tutors that are needed to succeed in our schools
This is not the fault of most teachers who work hard to teach our children. In part the fault lies with over competitive parents who think more is better when in reality often less is better.
Often this intense competition creates mental health issues and it does not allow for students to become full creative mind and generous human beings.
Please read the book Excellent Sheep The mis-educatiion of the American Elite by William Deresiewicz.