Readers Write: Elect David KIrsch Village of Great Neck village justice

Readers Write: Elect David KIrsch Village of Great Neck village justice

Like many Great Neck residents, I haven’t spent a lot of time getting involved in local politics. But today I feel it’s important to inform the Village of Great Neck residents of a rare opportunity to be represented by a local community hero and friend to us all.

While most of us are wired to focus exclusively on our own lives, needs and families, once in a blue moon you come across someone different.

Someone who leads by example, selflessly helping others simply because it is “the right thing to do” before thinking about the personal benefits to themselves.

Many would call such a person a “mensch.” David Kirsch deeply cares about his entire community – both those who he knows and those that he does not. He has an impressive legal career of service as a former prosecutor and now private practice attorney, tirelessly advocating for clients with endless passion steered by a moral compass always pointing true north.

David is a charismatic leader at the Young Israel of Great Neck, where he been honored for his tireless service over many years, overseeing and advocating for the security needs of the synagogue, making all feel welcome week after week and setting an example for others with his kindness, dedication and pragmatic approach to problem-solving.

A longstanding Great Neck resident and fixture at Parkwood pool, the local parks and GNPD events for many years, David is known by many and recognized easily by his charismatic nature, joyful attitude and friendly smile.

He is a terrific human being that will treat all fairly while maintaining a balanced practical approach.

Please join me in voting for David Kirsch in the upcoming Village of Great Neck election for Village Justice. I know he will continue to serve the village with the same passion he exhibits in all of his endeavors.

Ryan Ostrow

Great Neck

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