In preparation for the upcoming High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot, the Village of Great Neck is imposing a village-wide parking regulation suspension for timed and overnight parking.
Rules still apply that no one can park in fire zones, block driveways or hydrates, or any other parking violations.
The suspension starts on the eve of Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 15 at 5 pm and goes on until Sunday Sept. 17 at 10 pm. Then for Yom Kippur starting on Sunday Sept. 24 5 pm through Monday Sept. 25 at 10 pm. It’ll be suspended again on Friday Sept. 29 5 pm through Sunday Oct. 1 at 10 pm and again on Oct. 6 at 5 pm through Oct. 8 at 10 pm for Sukkot.
The decision to suspend timed and overnight parking was unanimous.