77 WABC Radio personalities put their well-known voices to good use Friday, helping raise more than $200,000 for the Cohen Children’s Medical Center during the first annual Holiday Radiothon for the Kids.
The holiday radiothon raised a total of $205,213 for lifesaving pediatric care and equipment, research, and a variety of child life services for patients in the medical center. Bernie McGuirk & Sid Rosenberg kicked off the event from 6:00-10:00 am, followed by Russ Salzberg hosting from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., and wrapped up with Curtis Sliwa & Juliet Huddy from 12:00-3:00 p.m.
“TalkRadio 77 WABC’s first-ever holiday “Radiothon for the Kids” was an unqualified success, driving life-saving funds to this world-class pediatric hospital,” Cumulus Vice President and Market Manager Chad Lopez said. “During this season of giving, we thank our listeners and sponsors for their incredible generosity and support for this most worthy cause. Together, we will help make the lives of children and families in our community healthier and happier.”
Some of the funds will also be allocated to one of the therapeutic programs that the hospital organizes for its patients. The Child Life and Creative Arts Therapy program provides patients with various activities to help them learn about their illness, injury, medical and surgical procedures, hospital routines, and the medical team they will encounter during their stay.
Cohen Children’s Chief Medical Officer Peter Silver first joined Northwell in 1993, working in the Division of Critical Care. He spoke with Huddy and reflected on the past 26 years, and spoke on the importance of the staff and mission of the medical center.
“Working here at Cohen Children’s makes me feel so grateful,” Silver said. “It’s such a privilege to be able to take care of these sick children and to have their parents to give us their trust to take care of their sick children is such an honor. It makes you realize what’s important in life, and what we do here is important.”
Silver praised the staff at Cohen Children’s for their tireless work and dedication to the children but said that the ones who truly deserve the praise, are the patients themselves.
“We can often say that healthcare providers are the heroes here, but in my eyes, the real hero is that three-year-old going into chemotherapy and fighting to live,” he said. “Those are the superheroes here, we just kind of help them along a little bit.”
The event was sponsored by Nussbaum Berg Klein & Wolpow, CPAs, who matched donations for the radiothon’s final hour. Senior Accountant Josh Berg was on hand at the event and expressed his personal gratitude to Cohen Children’s.
“Hearing stories from parents and children about their experiences here puts everything into perspective,” Berg said. “Everyone knows someone that has been affected by an illness in some way. The staff at Cohen’s Children deserves every cent they receive today to keep saving and improving lives in our collective communities.”
Several families spoke throughout the day, all sharing experiences of their child’s illness and how, if not for Cohen Children’s, they would not know where to turn. Children ranging from ages 5-16 spoke on the importance of funding programs to help others in similar situations, and their gratitude to the staff that accommodates so many of their needs.
“On behalf of everyone that spoke today, I wanted to thank everyone for donating and showing support for our amazing patients,” said Pediatric Service Line Director Laura McDonagh. “This event is a true labor of love, and we could not be happier with what has happened here today.”
WABC is keeping their donation links open through the end of the year, so those who were unable to donate on Friday can do so throughout the holiday season. To donate, visit https://donate.mygift4kids.org/#/getdonor.