By Joseph D’Andrea
The Lake Success Board of Trustees held a meeting last week on their saltwater systems project and approved several agenda items.
Streamline Aquatics President Chris Peck gave a presentation to the board about the village’s progress on the installation of saltwater tanks in the town’s 286,000-gallon pool.
He said the chlorine that the village is ordering from the factory is at a pH of 13.
“They use a lot of carbon dioxide to maintain your pH to what market regulations are. When we produce our chlorine on site, we’re producing it at the same pH level at which you want to keep your pool at. It would virtually eliminate the amount of carbon dioxide that you’d be using — about two thirds.”
Peck explained that the village would be paying 50 cents to 60 cents for each gallon of chlorine from ChlorKing Ultimate Water Systems — through Streamline Aquatics — as opposed to the $3.28 per gallon that the village currently pays.
“You’re going to be seeing big savings here,” Peck said.
The village was offered a two-year, parts-and-labor warranty if it buys from ChlorKing this fall as the tanks would not be in operation until next summer.
The board discussed the possibility of switching over to saltwater tanks back in June. The tanks generate chlorine with salt, have a lower pH rate and would be “safer and easier to work with (the caveat) we would just need to buy pounds of salt.”
Another holdover from the trustees’ last meeting was what to do with a local law to amend a village code involving yard waste regulations.
“We are amending this local law,” said Village Attorney Andrea Curto, “to allow people to either store their containers in a location that’s not visible from the street, and the garbage contractor comes and removes the garbage. Or alternatively, you can place your containers at the front corner of your garage for garbage pickup at 7 a.m. and then relocate your containers upon the garbage being removed.”
Among the authorizing items was an updated invoice for purchase of a mechanic repair guide system in the amount of $5,495 with the cost to be split between Lake Success Police Department and the Department of Public Works.
Also approved was the location of Great Neck Library’s new polling place on Oct. 31, as well as the green light for Nassau County to provide free flu shots Sept. 19 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the village.
The board of trustee’s next meeting will take place on Mon., Sept. 11, at 7:30 p.m. at 318 Lakeville Road.