No bail set for driver in crash that killed two Roslyn boys

No bail set for driver in crash that killed two Roslyn boys
Drew Hassenbein helping facilitate the coin toss at the Men's U.S. Open Final in 2021. (Photo by

The driver who is accused of killing two Roslyn Middle School students was held without bail Monday as more than 100 people waited outside the Nassau County Courthouse.

Drew Hassenbein and Ethan Falkowitz, both 14-year-old tennis players, sustained fatal injuries and were pronounced dead at the scene of the DWI crash in Jericho Wednesday evening, police said. 

The two boys, along with Roslyn High School students Zach Sheena and Ethan Solop, were on their way back from a celebratory dinner with their tennis team.

Both Sheena and Solop remain in the hospital in stable condition with internal injuries, according to Newsday.

Police reported that the four boys were in a 2019 Alpha Romero sedan driving on North Broadway when at 10:21 p.m. they were struck by a 2019 Dodge Ram driving in the opposite direction of traffic.

The driver of the Dodge Ram, Roslyn resident Amandeep Singh, 34, was arrested and treated at a local hospital for minor injuries, according to police. Singh’s blood alcohol content was 0.18, police said, more than twice the legal limit of 0.08.

A few dozen family members and friends of both families were permitted in the first-floor courtroom for a three-minute hearing Monday where District Court Judge Anthony Paradiso scheduled Singh’s next appearance for June 6.

More than a dozen people supporting Singh were also present in the courtroom.

The crowd outside the courtroom applauded after being informed no bail was set for Singh. Village of East Hills Trustee Brian Meyerson told reporters “we are a community, we have gone through two funerals. It was the most horrific thing to ever listen to.”

Singh’s attorney, James Kousouros, in a statement to Blank Slate Media Saturday, said “This is clearly a sad and devastating situation and our prayers are with the families who have suffered the unimaginable loss of their loved ones. As much as the public wants to hear definitive statements from the defense, we cannot comment further until the matter is thoroughly investigated and discovery is reviewed.”

As a result of the collision, the Alpha Romero then hit a 2023 Volvo occupied by a driver, 49, and a passenger, 16. Both were treated at the scene for minor injuries, according to police.

Roslyn resident Amandeep Singh, 34, faces a slew of charges, including aggravated vehicular homicide, for a fatal car crash while driving intoxicated. (Photo courtesy of the Nassau County Police Department)

Det. Capt. Steven Fitzpatrick, commanding officer of the Nassau County Police Department’s Homicide Squad, told reporters on Thursday that the scene of the crash was “probably one of the most catastrophic” he had seen “in a long time.”

Fitzpatrick said surveillance video showed Singh asking police what they were doing at the scene, thinking he was in New Jersey.

Nassau County police said Singh is being charged with multiple offenses, including aggravated vehicular homicide, first-degree vehicular manslaughter, second-degree manslaughter, leaving the scene of an auto accident with a fatality, Driving While Intoxicated and two counts of second-degree assault.

Singh was first remanded by District Court Judge Joseph Nocella Thursday, which led to applause from more than 150 members of the Roslyn community in attendance.

Singh’s criminal history includes driving while intoxicated and a youthful offender conviction for gang assault, according to Newday.

He was subject to deportation on two occasions due to his criminal history, the newspaper rerported. Nocella said Singh’s criminal background also makes him a flight risk, according to reports.

Singh’s license was suspended and he was put in protective custody Thursday.

Kousouros said Singh is currently a United States citizen, a New York University graduate and a business owner. Kousouros said Singh’s criminal background traces back to 2006, according to Newsday.

Hassenbein was a nationally ranked tennis player who played on the high school varsity tennis team. He was No. 1 in the country in the National Boys 12 and Under division in 2021. Falkowitz was also a tennis player for the high school varsity team.

Robert Pelaez contributed to this story.

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  1. I hope he rots in hell, he took away two precious boys who had their whole life ahead of them because of his stupidity. Wonderful young men with bright futures. My heart goes out to the families and my friends who knew them, also to all of Roslyn hurting at this time.

  2. Every parent’s heart bleeds for these wonderful boys and their families. No words can ever express this loss. May Drew and Ethan forever rest in peace.


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