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Three Roslyn ed board trustees run unopposed in May election

(From left to right) David Seinfeld, David Dubner and Michael Levine. (Photo courtesy of the Island 360 archives)

Three Roslyn Board of Education trustees – Michael Levine, David Dubner and David Seinfeld – are running unopposed in their bids for re-election this May.

Levine is a lawyer who was elected to the board in 2018. He took over the seat formerly held by Trustee Adam Haber, who chose not to continue his service on the board and did not run for re-election.

Dubner is an investment banker at Goldman Sachs. He was appointed to the Board of Education in 2013 after former trustee Dani Kline resigned from her seat. Dubner was later elected to fulfill the remainder of her term.

Seinfeld is one of the board’s longest-serving trustees – he was first elected to the board in 2006 – and a veteran in educational services.

The three incumbents all faced their last election in 2021 where they were opposed by a single challenger, Roslyn resident Ronald Gerber. All three incumbents prevailed in securing their seats for another term.

The three trustees are now seeking another three-year terms, which would begin on July 1 and continue through June 30, 2027.

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While no other candidates filed petitions to run against the three incumbents, individuals can be voted via write-ins on Election Day.

Dubner was unavailable to provide comment by the time of publication. Efforts to solicit comment from Levine and Seinfeld were unavailing.

The Roslyn School District election will be held from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. on May 21 in the Roslyn High School North Gym. Voters are asked to enter the campus through Harbor Hill Road.

Community members eligible to vote will be voting for three trustees as well as the district’s 2024-2025 budget.

The district adopted a budget of $132,567,170, a budget-to-budget increase of 3.99%, for voters to approve on Election Day. The budget includes a 2.79% tax levy increase, which falls within its allowable tax levy cap.

Two other propositions are also included on the ballot: the Bryant Library budget of $5,165,450 and the school district’s purchase of school buses and vans costing a maximum of $622,000.

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