Village of Sands Point Deputy Mayor Peter A. Forman will fill the shoes of Mayor Edward Adler, who did not seek re-election, after receiving 142 votes in Tuesday’s election.
Being elected mayor is another feather in Forman’s proverbial professional cap. Aside from his role as deputy mayor, Forman has also served as the village’s chief police commissioner, emergency manager, commissioner of finance and telecom coordinator.
Outside of village government, Forman is also the commissioner of the Port Washington-Manhasset Office of Emergency Management, a private investor, a CEO, a civic association president, a husband and a father of three.
In a statement to Blank Slate Media, Forman said he “look[s] forward to continuing to bring that incredibly diverse set of skills and focus” to the village. Forman also reflected on some of the wisdom he’s instilled in his children over the years that he believes will serve him well.
“Firstly, I’m highly honored to be able to serve our community,” Forman said. “I do believe, as I’ve taught my now adult daughters, that it’s the obligation of everyone to help ‘row the boat’ — which is to contribute time and effort to a greater common good.”
Forman said he hopes his lack of challengers to fill Adler’s shoes as mayor reflected confidence in his abilities to guide the village for the coming years. Forman reiterated how his experience in a variety of roles throughout the village and beyond can serve the village well for whatever may lie ahead.
“As for running unopposed, I hope that it reflects a confidence that the general population has in the core values I bring to the table including integrity, bringing strong business principles to a municipal environment, and creating long-term value for the residents,” Forman said.
Some of the initiatives Forman has spearheaded in his various roles revolve around digitizing some of the village’s operations to the cloud. Some of the benefits of the digitization include labor and technology savings, an increase in remote work opportunities, and enhanced cybersecurity.
Forman said he will continue to work with the trustees and various committees throughout the village to further enhance and streamline village operations.
“We will review the other systems, procedures and services that Sands Point offers to continue to keep it the unique, rustic and wonderful village that it is with the hopes of continuing even further on it,” Forman said.
Adler had served on the village board for three decades, and Forman said filling his seat will be a “hard act to follow.” He also expressed his excitement for working with familiar faces on the board.
“I look forward to an incredibly collaborative relationship with the trustees and continuing Sands Point’s existing strong history of volunteerism at both the board levels and at every committee level,” Forman said. “Water issues, among other things, will be a critical focus in the future.”