The Town of North Hempstead convened a special meeting to extend the general tax payment deadline for federal workers impacted by the partial federal government shutdown on Friday morning, following the passage of a state law allowing municipalities to do so.
During the shutdown, which took place between Dec. 22 and Jan. 25 and impacted about 800,000 federal workers nationwide, the New York State Legislature introduced a bill amending property tax laws to allow furloughed federal employees and those that went unpaid a 90-day extension to pay their taxes.
After winding through the state Assembly and Senate, the bill was signed into law on Feb. 1. A week later, North Hempstead’s town council passed its own resolution.
“We hope that this 90 day extension will help residents in our community who are federal workers and were impacted by the government shutdown,” North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth said. “This extension will help provide them with some relief.”
The last day to pay taxes in North Hempstead is Feb. 11. By passing the law, however, furloughed federal employees and those who went without pay have until March 13 to apply for an extension. Their tax payment would then be due by April 25.
Applicants must show evidence of their employment as a furloughed federal employee by providing the Receiver of Taxes an original letter from their employer stating that they were furloughed during the partial government shutdown.