The two-year journey of three childhood friends bringing a taste of New York City to the suburbs finally completed with the opening of their bubble tea store.
Möge Tee is here to cool you off or warm you up, whether you want a drink on a hot summer’s day or a cold winter’s night.
Möge Tee is a global franchise and the New Hyde Park location is the 20th store to open in New York. Kiet Tran, Steven Tran and Simon Cheuk opened the store was on Aug. 17.
Since opening, Cheuk said the business has received over 100 reviews and much positive feedback. Stevan said he expected a good turnout on Aug. 17, but he didn’t expect the number of people who showed up.
“We had lines wrapped around the door, across the plaza,” Stevan said. “It was a good thing that we’re in the plaza, because if it was on the street, we wouldn’t want to block traffic. It was an amazing turnout.”
Stevan said bubble tea and fruit tea have been staples in other parts of New York, specifically in areas like Flushing, but in the suburbs, it’s still a relatively novel concept. He said he’s been seeing more growth of it now, but not to the point where it is in other places.
The lack of bubble tea stores on Long Island, in contrast to New York City, made Kiet, Stevan, and Cheuk want to open this store. Stevan said they wanted to introduce this new concept to a local community that hasn’t experienced it before.
“We came from a humble background and we just decided that because we grew up really wanting to give back and wanting to do something good for the community and feel good about it, we kind of got together to start this concept and start this idea to build this business,” Kiet said.
Stevan said one of the main things they wanted to focus on with this business was health and freshness. He said many bubble tea shops use powder-based products in their drinks. However, the three friends wanted to focus on fresh fruits and “premium ingredients.”
“We care about what we put in our bodies so that’s the kind of premise around that,” Stevan said.
The products that Möge Tee offers include milk tea, cheese foam tea, cheese foam fruit tea slush, fruit tea slush, fruit tea, milk swirl, coffee, matcha, and more.
Along with ensuring the food is of top quality, Stevan said they wanted to find a location where they could design their store to attract customers.
Picking New Hyde Park, Stevan said they wanted this location to have a “Manhattan feel.” He said this also created a new, fun, and safe environment for neighbors to congregate.
“What I like about the location is that it’s close to a lot of the schools around the neighborhood,” Stevan said. “And we want to be able to provide a lot of the schools, the kids around here with that option for them to come and enjoy fresh drinks.”
Stevan said that when researching different bubble tea businesses, they felt most connected to Möge Tee. They also felt most connected to what they’re trying to achieve with their brand, which is engaging with the local communities that it serves.
Kiet said they will continue to develop the business through social media posting. He said they will be creating more content that connects with the community.
“This is a neighborhood business, so we want to do neighborhood things,” Kiet said.
Stevan said they will continue to engage with the community to understand what they want.
“We’re only as successful as how we make our community feel,” Stevan said.