Lounge X owner to open members-only business consulting firm

Lounge X owner to open members-only business consulting firm
The Village of Great Neck Plaza Village Hall. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

The business owner of Lounge X, an entertainment event space that recently opened in Great Neck Plaza’s former Squire Theater, is now taking steps to open a members-only business consulting firm adjoining the event space.

Skyline Executive Center is being proposed by Lounge X owner Kenix Wang as a private space connected to the old Squire Theater for the firm’s members only.

The Village of Great Neck Plaza approved Skyline Executive Center’s conditional use permit Wednesday night. The approval is subject to an amendment to the permit for Lounge X, its partner company, to ensure it remains open to the public.

The space located at 115 Middle Neck Road would include offices, a conference room and a golf simulator. Lounge X’s entertainment venue also includes a golf simulator.

The firm would be comprised of 250 members who pay dues for their consulting services, including social media and marketing assistance alongside a menu of services.

Members would be accepted into Skyline Executive Center via approval by a board of other paying members and executive board members.

Skyline Executive Members would be required to earn an annual income of $400,000 and be operating a business in New York State.

Annual memberships would amount to $25,000 a year.

The business space is zoned for retail, but Village Attorney Richard Gabriele explained that offices – like realtors – are permitted. He said Skyline Executive Center would fall within the zoning’s allowed offices.

Trustee Michael DeLuccia argued that the offices permitted within the zoning are open to the public, making them akin to a retail space that any customer can walk into for services. Skyline Executive Center would not be open to the public.

Gabriele said that nowhere in the code does it make the allowance of office spaces conditional on their openness to the public.

In other news, the village board also accepted a bid for a repair project for the ​​Maple Drive Parking Garage that amounts to about $2 million.

The bid by Long Island construction company Galvin Brothers was recommended by the village’s engineer.

It was the lowest bid compared to three others that came in ranging from $3.59 million to $3.83 million. Despite Galvin Brothers’ low bid, the engineer confirmed their bid proposal had no exemptions to the project. Other bids included greater fees, such as those for traffic safety, that

The engineer said Galvin Brothers have more than 10 years of experience in parking garage rehabilitation and they satisfy the experience requirements set forth by the village.

The start date for the project is proposed for July 1. The garage is planned to be closed for the first 60 days of construction but work may continue after.

The Great Neck Plaza Board of Trustees will convene again at 3 p.m. June 12 for its next meeting.

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