A car crashed into the front of Diane’s Place Hair Salon on Main Street in Port Washington last Thursday morning.
Officials from the Port Washington Fire Department said the car crashed into the storefront, located at 191 Main St., after 11 a.m. Officials said the driver and a person in the store were injured.
The driver, whose name was not disclosed by officials, was removed and transported to a nearby hospital. Another ambulance arrived to aid the second person injured and a tow truck pulled the car out of the store at noon, according to officials.
Efforts to reach representatives from the business were unavailing.
A GoFundMe was launched following the accident and has since raised more than $26,000. The fundraiser, started by Cecilia Andersen, said store owner Diane Basile’s sister, Sandra, suffered a fractured pelvis as a result of the accident. The funds will go to help pay rent, and Andersen touted the character of both Basile and Sandra.
“As anyone knows who has ever been in the shop, Diane and Sandra are the kindest souls around,” according to the GoFundMe. “Their prices are very reasonable and they are not a huge enterprise. Having to scale back while Sandra is recovering will surely be a huge financial hardship to such a small, independently owned shop and they need help.”
An update on Saturday from Andersen said Basile was “overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity.”
The store’s neighbor, Eye Love Hearing, has been allowing hair appointments to take place in its space since Sunday. Bobbie Polay, executive director of the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce, said a grand reopening ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place once the store is ready.