Please join us Sunday, April 14 at 3:00 PM, when Michael Waldman, former speechwriter for President Bill Clinton and author of “The Supermajority: How the Supreme Court Divided America,” will be guest speaker, dialoguing with our moderator, NY1 News anchor, host of Inside City Hall, and CNN political analyst Errol Louis.
Following their conversation, there will be a meet and greet / book signing. Light refreshments will be served. All members of the community are invited. Admission is free.
Waldman is president and CEO of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, a nonpartisan law and policy institute that works to revitalize the nation’s systems of democracy and justice.
He was director of speechwriting for Clinton from 1995 to 1999 and is the author of “The Second Amendment: A Biography” and “The Fight to Vote.”
In his current bestseller, “The Supermajority…”, Michael Waldman explores the tumultuous 2021-2022 Supreme Court term.
Over three days in June 2022, the conservative supermajority overturned the constitutional right to abortion, possibly opening the door to reconsider other major privacy rights, as Justice Clarence Thomas urged.
The court sharply limited the authority of the EPA, reducing the prospects for combatting climate change. It radically loosened curbs on guns amid an epidemic of mass shootings. Waldman asks: “What can we do when the Supreme Court challenges the country?”
Waldman was a member of the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court. A graduate of Columbia College and NYU School of Law, he comments widely in the media on law and policy.
This program is funded by Elaine & George Malin.
Temple Emanuel of Great Neck is located at 150 Hicks Lane in Great Neck. RSVP – Call 516.482.5701.