Temple Isaiah will present the final installment of its three-part art lecture series
titled “Ben Shahn and the Postwar Triumph of Modernism” on Sunday, March 26th
at 2:00 PM.
The presentation will focus on the career of artist Ben Shahn which
began during the Great Depression with his work for the Federal Arts Program of
the W.P.A. (Works Progress Administration), his participation in the radical Artists’
Union and the American Artists’ Congress before the second World War.
His socially-conscious yet modernist work continued to be relevant and popular well
into the postwar period of Abstract Expressionism, the Cold War and the struggle
for civil rights during the turbulent decade of the 1960s.
The program will be presented by art historian Dr. Dennis Raverty, associate
professor at New Jersey City University, where he teaches 19th and 20th century
art history, including the art of West Africa, the diaspora and African American
art, as well as the Renaissance and Baroque Periods in Europe.
His articles andacriticisms have appeared in numerous art publications. An award-winning
professor, Raverty lives in New York City and is currently co-authoring a book
on American illustration with Dennis Dittrich, former president of the Society of
The session will take place at Temple Isaiah of Great Neck, One Chelsea Place.
There is a $15 donation and registration is required. Please contact the temple at
(516) 487-5373 or by email at isaiahgn@yahoo.com.