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Rock music for a good cause at Landmark

Head out to hear The Main Attractions perform rock music and learn more about Community Mainstreaming at Landmark on Main Street on Sunday, March 24 at 2 p.m.

Community Mainstreaming is a Long Island-based nonprofit committed to helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities lead fulfilling and productive lives.

The band, The Main Attractions, was formed last spring when Community Mainstreaming began a music program for people in their day habilitation program. They meet twice a week at a music studio in East Meadow, where they practice with professional musician Bobby Miller and music therapist and vocal coach Twyla Summersell.

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Participants achieve their individual goals — whether it’s asserting oneself, seeing a task to completion, or increasing focus and concentration — through the modality of music. The band members and instructors discuss and decide together what songs they are going to learn.

For tickets to the upcoming performance, go to, and for more information, call 516-683-0710 x212.

Landmark on Main Street is located at 232 Main St. in Port Washington.

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