Great Neck Library art exhibit: Mixed Media Collages by Warren Mintz

Great Neck Library art exhibit: Mixed Media Collages by Warren Mintz
Art by Warren Mintz

Great Neck local artist Warren Mintz will be displaying his Mixed Media Collages in the Great Neck Library Lower-Level Art Gallery at 159 Bayview Avenue in Great Neck from Jan. 8 to Jan. 26. A reception will be held on Saturday, Jan. 13 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

According to artist Warren Mintz, the creative environment of collage can be explored in terms of three aspects. The first is the discovery of possible backgrounds.

The second is the stage of cutting in which items are gathered. The choice of items can focus on subject matter, color, shape, and size. The cutting stage produces hundreds of items.

The third aspect is assembly in which the background and the cuttings are brought together and possible arrangements are explored. This process leads to the creation of a visual reality in which the viewer is invited to join.

For more information, please contact Great Neck Library at (516) 466-8055 or email

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