Williston Park Library news

Williston Park Library news

From the Director,

We’re looking forward to the Williston Park Street Fair on Sunday, September 17! All are welcome to stop by our booth and take a look at our books and media for sale. All proceeds go to the Friends of the Library.

We are once again asking everyone to NOT put donations in the book bins outside the library. They are for library materials only. Donations will be accepted inside the library during regular business hours.

New titles added to the collection:
Last Call at Coogan’s: Life & Death of a Neighborhood Bar—Jon Michaud
Collector—Daniel Silva
Everyone Here is Lying—Shari Lapena
Robert Ludlum’s Bourne Defiance—Brian Freeman
Somebody’s Fool—Richard Russo
Book of Charlie: Wisdom from the Remarkable American Life of a 109 Year Old Man—David Von Drehle
Little Village of Book Lovers—Nina George
Dead Fall—Brad Thor
Pink Lemonade Cake Murder—Joanne Fluke
Not That Duke—Eloisa James
Paris Assignment—Rhys Bowen
Connellys of County Down—Tracey Lange

Adult Programs
Reiki—September 21; October 5 & 19; November 2 & 16—6 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. $10 p/person; p/session. Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.
Medicare Basics with Joy Poupko—Tuesday—September 26—6-7 p.m. in the Library. Email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or call the library (742-1820) to register.
Empire Safety Defensive Driving Course—Thursday—September 28—10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. $30 p/person. Email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or call the library (742-1820) to register.
Nassau County Property Tax Exemptions Workshop—Wednesday—October 11—1-3 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. Assistance will be provided for the following exemptions: Veterans, Senior Citizen, Cold War Veterans, and Volunteer Firefighter/Ambulance Workers. Call 516-457-2036 for specific information.
Autumn Leaf Lantern Craft with Rosemarie Attard—Wednesday—October 11—6 p.m. in the Library. $15 p/person. Email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or call the library (742-1820) to register.
Book Discussion—Wednesday—October 25—7 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Village & via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 968 8567 0102
Passcode: WPBookClub
Or just call 1-929-205-6099 on your phone and it will ask for the meeting id and password above.
Copies of Hidden Valley Road are available at the Circulation Desk.

Children’s Programs
Story Time with Miss Beth—Tuesdays—September 12, 19 & 26; October 3, 10 & 17—11 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. in the Children’s Room. Limited to 15 participants. No Walk-Ins! Email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or call the library (742-1820) to register.
Flower Burst Mirror with Doris Benter—Tuesday—September 12—4-5 p.m. in the Children’s Room for grades 1+. $5 p/person. Per vendor: Limited to 20 participants. Email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or call the library (742-1820) to register.
Gobbie Keychain Craft—Saturday—September 23—10-11 a.m. in the Children’s Room for ages 5+. $3 p/person. Limited to 40 participants. Email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or call the library (742-1820) to register.
Zombie House Painting with Lisa Colon—Saturday—October 21—10-11 a.m. in the Children’s Room for ages 7+. $5 p/person. Per Vendor: Limited to 20 participants. Email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or call the library (742-1820) to register.

The library is proud to work with Kayla, of Girl Scout Troop 1825 on her Gold Award. She has established a Pen Pal Program for children in grades 1-8. If any children are interested, parents are welcome to stop by the Reference Desk to complete a small registration form. This is not a sponsored library activity; Kayla will be in charge of the project. All information is confidential.

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