Williston Park Library news

Williston Park Library news

We are no longer accepting donations at this time. We hope to begin in late Spring, but the date is still to be determined.
New titles added to the collection:
Midnight Lock—Jeffery Deaver
Still Life—Sarah Winman
Net for Small Fishes—Lucy Jago
Little Hope—Ethan Joella
Boy Underground—Catherine ryan Hyde
Apparently There Were Complaints: A Memoir—Sharon Gless
Twenty Years Later—Charlie Donlea
Defense Lawyer—James Patterson
Sea Hawke—Ted Bell
Darkness Falls—Robert Bryndza
Book of Hope—Jane Goodall
Sharpe’s Assassin—Bernard Cornwell
Sentence—Louise Erdrich

Our Daily Hours Are:

Browsing &Vestibule Pick-Up: Monday-Friday: 10am-5:30pm and Saturday: 10am-4pm

“Open for Browsing” means you can come inside, walk around the Library, and look for books and other items. Please limit your time to 1 hour. Only one family at a time will be permitted in the Children’s Room.

Items requested over the phone can be picked up in the Library vestibule.

Please maintain social distancing practices while in the Library.

All customers and staff are required to wear face coverings at all times while in the Library, per Executive Order 202.17. Face coverings must cover both your mouth and nose.

Congregating is not permitted.

Three computers are available for public use for a limit of 30 minutes.

Library items may now be returned inside the library

Adult Programs
Reiki—Thursdays—January 20; February 3 & 17—6 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. $10 p/person.
Knitting Circle—Thursday—January 20; February 3, 17 & 31—11:30 am-1:30 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall.
Book Club—Wednesday—January 26—7pm via Zoom. Copies of There Your Heart Lies are available at the Circulation Desk.
Join our book club at this link https://adelphiuniversity.zoom.us/j/96885670102?pwd=VGtSYnkyUW9acVJyV0tyNUtUZnMyZz09
Meeting ID: 968 8567 0102
Passcode: WPBookClub
Or just call 1-929-205-6099 on your phone and it will ask for the meeting id and password above.
Falls Prevention Workshop—Mondays—January 31; Thursday—January 18—11 am-12pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. Limited to 20 participants. Please arrive 15 minutes early for a balanced assessment. Register at willistonparkprograms@gmail.com

Children’s Programs
Tie Dye T-shirt workshop–RESCHEDULED—Saturday—January 29—11:30 am-12:30 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall for children ages 4+. Limited to 15 participants. $15 material fee (includes t-shirt) Register at willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or call the library at 742-1820. Please specify shirt size. Masks are required.
Lego Tower Challenge—Thursday—February 24—11 am-12 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall for children of all ages. Masks are required. Limited to 12 participants. Register at willistonparkprograms@gmail.com

Come into the Library for a free children’s craft every Monday for Take and Make Mondays.

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