Williston Park Library news

Williston Park Library news

Carl DelVecchio Memorial Library

www.willistonparklibrary.org By: Donna McKenna
E-mail: wppubliclibrary@gmail.com
New titles added to the collection:
Eternal—Lisa Scottoline
Remember: The Science of Memory & the Art of Forgetting—Lisa Genova
Ladies of the Secret Circus—Constance Sayers
This is the Fire—Don Lemon
Hiding in Plain Sight: Lady Bird Johnson in the White House—Julia Sweig
Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age—Sanjay Gupta, MD
Justice, Justice Thou Shalt Pursue: A Life’s Work Fighting for a More Perfect Union—Ruth Bader Ginsburg

The Williston Park Library is again partnering with LI Cares/16th Assembly District’s Legislative annual pet drive. The drive, which will run during the month of April, will help local soup kitchens and food pantries meet the needs of struggling families with pets. The most needed items are bags of dry dog and cat food, canned dog and cat food, cat box litter, treats, and toys. All food must be unopened and in its original packaging.

A donation box will be available inside the Library. Thank you for your support.

Our Daily Hours Are:

Open for Browsing: Monday-Friday: 10am-5:30pm
Vestibule Pick-Up: Monday-Friday: 10am-5:30pm
Browsing & Vestibule Pickup: Saturday: 10am-4pm

“Open for Browsing” means you can come inside, walk around the Library, and look for books and other items. Please limit your time to 1 hour. Only one family at a time will be permitted in the Children’s Room.

Items requested over the phone can be picked up in the Library vestibule.

Please maintain social distancing practices while in the Library.

All customers and staff are required to wear face coverings at all times while in the Library, per Executive Order 202.17. Face coverings must cover both your mouth and nose.

Congregating is not permitted.

Three computers are available for public use for a limit of 30 minutes.

Please return items in the outside book drops. For safety reasons, we cannot accept items returned inside the Library!

Thank you for cooperating with the guidelines we have in place to keep us all safe.

Adult Programs
Reiki—Thursdays–May 1 & 20–6pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. $10 p/person, p/session.
Knitting Circle—Thursdays–May 1 & 20—11am-1pm in the Assembly Room of village Hall.
Stroke Prevention Lecture—Wednesday—May 12—1-2 pm via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95917322388?pwd=K205NGphVFFsUDJHdE0rWm1jbEVIQT09
Meeting ID: 959 1732 2388
Passcode: 051415
Book Discussion—Wednesday–May 26—7pm via Zoom. Copies of This Tender Land will be available at the Circulation Desk. Join Zoom Meeting https://adelphiuniversity.zoom.us/j/97873413611?pwd=cTVxMk1UR0NKOHJaV0tGdXVJOE9iZz09
Meeting ID: 978 7341 3611
Passcode: WPBookClub
Or just call 19292056099 and they will ask for the meeting id and password above.

Children’s Programs
Color Theory Art Studio—Saturday—May 1—10:30am-Noon in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. Children ages 7+ are invited to create, paint and decorate their own clay masterpiece. $15 material fee. Limited to 12 participants. Register at willistonparkprograms@gmail.com.

Come into the Library for a free children’s craft every Monday for Take and Make Mondays.
Check out the calendar of events for Virtual Puzzle Wednesdays and Virtual Game Fridays.

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