Williston Park Library news

Williston Park Library news

From the Director

The library is proud to collaborate with Toys for Tots this year.  A donation box is located in front of the Circulation Desk.  Item will be collected until December 20th.

College scholarships sponsored by the American Legion are now available at the library.

We are once again asking everyone to NOT put donations in the book bins outside the library.  They are for library materials only.  Donations will be accepted inside the library during regular business hours.

New titles added to the collection:

Betrayal—Phillip Margolin

Little Liar—Mitch Albom

Resurrection Walk—Michael Connelly

Corsican Shadow—Clive Cussler

Mystery Guest—Nita Prose

Ball at Versailles—Danielle Steel
Murder Wears a Hidden Face—Rosemary Simpson

Robert B Parker’s Broken Trust—Mike Lupica

Library—Bella Osborne

Longstreet:  The Confederate General who Defied the South—Elizabeth Varon

Adult Programs

Empire Safety Defensive Driving Course—Thursday—December 14—10 am-4 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall.  $33 p/person; check payable to Empire Safety Council.  Complete the registration form at the library.

Reiki—December 21—6 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall.  $10 p/person; p/session.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Book Discussion—Wednesday—January 10—7 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall and via zoom.  Copies of West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge are available at the Circulation Desk.  https://adelphiuniversity.zoom.us/j/96885670102?pwd=VGtSYnkyUW9acVJyV0tyNUtUZnMyZz09

Meeting ID: 968 8567 0102

Passcode: WPBookClub Or just call 1-929-205-6099 on your phone and it will ask for the meeting id and password above

Ceramic Heart Craft—Tuesday—February 6—6 pm in the Library.  Limited to 20 participants.  $15 material fee must be paid by January 26 to guarantee your place.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Comfort Food—Soups & Stews with Barbara Sheridan—Thursday—February 8—6 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall.  $5 p/person must be paid by February 1.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Book Discussion—Wednesday—February 14–7 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall and via zoom.  Copies of Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus will be available at the Circulation Desk.  https://adelphiuniversity.zoom.us/j/96885670102?pwd=VGtSYnkyUW9acVJyV0tyNUtUZnMyZz09

Meeting ID: 968 8567 0102

Passcode: WPBookClub Or just call 1-929-205-6099 on your phone and it will ask for the meeting id and password above

St. Francis Outreach Bus—Friday—February 16—10 am-2 pm in front of the library.  No registration is necessary.  Free health screenings for adults 18+.

Children’s Programs

Story Time with Miss Beth—Tuesdays—December 12—12:00-12:45 pm in the Children’s Room.  Limited to 15 participants.  No Walk-Ins!  Email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com or call the library (742-1820) to register.

Christmas Crafting Afternoon—Friday—December 22—11 am-1 pm in the Children’s room (while supplies last) for ages 3-5.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

DIY Chemistry Lab with Stemtastics—Tuesday—December 26—11am-Noon in the Assembly Room of Village Hall for grades K-8.  $5 material fee due at registration.  Per vendor, limited to 15 participants.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Mad Science Workshop—Detective Science—Thursday—December 28—11 a.m.- noon in the Assembly Room of Village Hall for grades 1-6.  Per vendor, limited to 20 children.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Happy Noon Year Pajama Party—Friday—December 29—11 am-12:30 pm in the Children’s Room for all ages.  Craft with us as we count down to 12:00.  Wear your favorite PJs.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmai.com to register.

Movie Matinee—Saturday—January 6—12:00 in the Children’s Room for all ages.  Light refreshments will be available.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Black Superhero Museum—Saturday—January 13—12:00 in the Children’s Room for ages 4+. Learn about the history of black superheroes in comic books and movies.  Crafting and games too.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Movie Matinee—Saturday—January 20–12:00 in the Children’s Room for all ages.  Light refreshments will be available.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.


The library is proud to work with Kayla, of Girl Scout Troop 1825 on her Gold Award.  She has established a Pen Pal Program for children in grades 1-8.  If any children are interested, parents are welcome to stop by the Reference Desk to complete a small registration form.  This is not a sponsored library activity; Kayla will be in charge of the project.  All information is confidential.


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