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Williston Park Library news

The library is collecting donations for Island Harvest’s Turkey & Trimmings Campaign. Donations of the following would be greatly appreciated: canned vegetables, boxed stuffing, peanut butter, vegetable, olive and canola oil, beans, rice, canned soups and stews. Flyers and donation box are located inside the library. Donations will be accepted until Dec. 30.
American Legion scholarship applications are now available at the library.
If you’ve borrowed a museum pass, we ask that it be returned in the library by 10am on the due date to ensure timely pick up for the next patron on the waiting list. If you wish to return the pass prior to the due date and the library is closed, please put in the book drop. We appreciate your cooperation.
The library is distributing Covid-19 self-test kits while supplies last.
New titles added to the collection:
High Notes—Danielle Steel
Killing the Legends—Bill O’Reilly
Old Place—Bobby Finger
Moonlight & the Pearler’s Daughter—Lizzie Pook
Growing Up Getty—James Reginato
Big Truth—Major Garrett

Adult Programs
Reiki Circle—Thursdays—December 15; January 5 & 19—6 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. $10 p/person, p/session. Call the library (742-1820), email or stop by the library to register.
Empire Safety Driving Course—Wednesday—January 11, 2023—10 am-4 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall. $30 p/person. Limited to 25 participants. Call the library (742-1820) or email to register.
Book Discussion—Wednesday—January 11—7 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall and via Zoom. Copies of Redbird Christmas are available at the Circulation Desk.
Meeting ID: 968 8567 0102
Passcode: WPBookClub
Or just call 1-929-205-6099 on your phone and it will ask for the meeting id and password above.

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Children’s Programs
Story Time for Tots—Tuesdays—December 13; January 10, 17, 24, 31; February 7 & 14—11-11:45am in the library for children ages 1-4 with a parent or caregiver. Call the library (742-1820), email or ask at the Circulation Desk to register. Maximum of 15 children. No walk-ins!
Sign Language for Babies & Toddlers—Wednesday—December 14 & 21—11 am in the library for children ages 3 months-3 years old. Per vendor, limited to 15 children. Call the library (742-1820) or email to register.
Petra Puppets Holiday Talent Show—Tuesday—December 27—10:30 am in the Assembly Room of Village Hall for children of all ages. Call the library (742-1820) or email to register.
STEM Lego: NASA Day—Friday—January 27—4-5 pm in the Children’s Room for ages 5+. Per the vendor, limited to 12 children. Call the library (742-1820) or email to register.
Valentine Wreath—Saturday—January 28—10 am in the Children’s Room for ages 10+. Per the vendor, limited to 15 participants. Call the library (742-1820) or email to register.

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