Upcoming events at the Williston Park Library

Upcoming events at the Williston Park Library

From the Director

Nassau Library Tour 2023

A groovy summer of exploration awaits on the 2023 Nassau Library Tour! To get started, simply pick up a tour map at any participating library and road trip to as many of Nassau’s public libraries as you can from June 12 – Aug. 12.

Each one is your gateway into a new community–visit the library, then explore the attractions, restaurants, and parks nearby. Take a self-guided tour as a family, a team of friends, or go solo. Plus, you’ll collect prizes and invaluable memories along the way.  Make sure to visit one of the 6 Prize Center libraries to receive your 30th and 50th visit prize.  Visit all 58 libraries to be entered to win a grand prize raffle basket!

Share your library tour journey with #NassauLibraryTour on Instagram!

New titles added to the collection:

SOS!  The Technology Guidebook for Parents of Tweens & Teens—Sheryl Gould

Covenant of Water—Abraham Verghese

Senator’s Wife—Liv Constantine

Declutter Like a Mother:  A Guilt-free, No-Stress Way to Transfer your Home & Your Way of Life—Allie Casazza

Killing Moon—Jo Nesbo

Tiffany girls—Shelley Noble

King’s Pleasure:  A Novel of Henry VIII—Alison Weir

Survivor—Iris Johansen

Near Miss—Stuart Woods

Drowning—TJ Newman

Good Night, Irene—Luis Alberto Urrea

Little Italian Hotel—Phaedra Patrick

Adult Programs

Reiki—July 20; August 3 & 17—6 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall.  $10 p/person; p/session.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Author Appearance with Amy Fusselman—Tuesday—August 8—6 pm in the library.  She will discuss her latest novel, The Mean$.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register

Succulent Flower Craft with Rosemarie Attard—Wednesday—August 9—6 pm in the Library.  $20 material fee due at registration.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Shredding Service—Saturday—August 12—9:30 am-12:30 pm in the Schechter School parking lot.  No registration required.

Children’s Summer Programs

Kerboom Kidz—Wednesday—July 19—6 pm on the East Williston Village Green for ages 5+.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.  Remember to bring your chairs!

Moon Landing 54th Anniversary—Thursday—July 20—11:30 am-12:30 pm in the library for ages 3+ for a morning of crafts and trivia.

Movie Matinee—Monday—July 24—11 am in the Children’s Room.  Individually wrapped snacks will be provided.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Nick the Balloonatic—Tuesday—July 25—11 am in the Children’s Room for all ages.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Mr. Poppin Twist—Wednesday—August 2—6 pm on the East Williston Village Green for ages 3+.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.  Remember to bring your chairs!

Science Heroes—Saturday—August 5—11am-Noon in the Assembly Room of Village Hall for all ages.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com to register.

Spoon Man—Thursday—August 17—6 pm on the East Willston Village Green for ages 3+.  Call the library (742-1820) or email willistonparkprograms@gmail.com


The library is proud to work with Kayla, of Girl Scout Troop 1825 on her Gold Award.  She has established a Pen Pal Program for children in grades 1-8.  If any children are interested, parents are welcome to stop by the Reference Desk to complete a small registration form.  This is not a sponsored library activity; Kayla will be in charge of the project.  All information is confidential.


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