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Upcoming at the Williston Park Library

Nassau Library Tour 2023

The 2023 Nassau Library Tour is drawing to a close on August 12.  What a wonderful 2 months it’s been!  Over 1200 visitors stopped by our library!  It was wonderful talking with everyone about our library and town.  We’re so thankful for everyone that stopped by and we look forward to NLT 2024!  Although total visitors for the whole county have yet to be confirmed, it’s estimated that over 54,000 county residents visited most if not all libraries!

Our Summer Reading Program has also come to a close.  It was a fun-filled summer of reading, programs, music and crafts.  Thanks to the East Williston Library for wonderful program collaborations.  We also had wonderful student volunteers to help us at our programs and to create wonderful artwork for the library’s front windows in this year’s theme “All Together Now”.

The volunteers are  Natalie & Noah Chang, Darby & Darcy Lee, Sebastian Mendieta, Aarthi Palaniappan, Max Vitale, Peter Rolston, Sofia & Ronan Szap, Tommy Fortunato, Beatrice Denny, Olivia Allard, Melina Helgeson, Genevieve Breglio, Erin O’Sullivan, Nora Valentine, Thomas Connolly, Nellie Reynolds, Jason Boyd, Katie West, William Amante & Kara Mulhall.

New titles added to the collection:

Banyan Moon—Thao Thai

All the Demons are Here—Jake Tapper

You Were Always Mine—Christine Pride & Jo Piazza

Librarianist—Patrick deWitt

After Death—Dean Koontz

Save What’s Left—Elizabeth Castellano

Varina Palladino’s Jersey Italian Love Story—Terri-Lynne DeFino

Puzzle Master—Danielle Trussoni

Adult Programs

Reiki—September 7 & 21; October 5 & 19—6 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall.  $10 p/person; p/session.  Call the library (742-1820) or email to register.

Book Discussion—Wednesday—September 13—7 pm in the Assembly Room of Village & via Zoom.

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Meeting ID: 968 8567 0102

Passcode: WPBookClub

Or just call 1-929-205-6099 on your phone and it will ask for the meeting id and password above.

Copies of Bewilderment are available at the Circulation Desk.

Medicare Basics with Joy Poupko—Tuesday—September 26—6-7 pm in the Library.  Email or call the library (742-1820) to register.

Empire Safety Defensive Driving Course—Thursday—September 28—10 am-4 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall.  $30 p/person.  Email or call the library (742-1820) to register.

Nassau County Property Tax Exemptions Workshop—Wednesday—October 11—1-3 pm in the Assembly Room of Village Hall.  Assistance will be provided for the following exemptions:  Veterans, Senior Citizen, Cold War Veterans, and Volunteer Firefighter/Ambulance Workers.   Call 516-457-2036 for specific information.

Autumn Leaf Lantern Craft with Rosemarie Attard—Wednesday—October 11—6 pm in the Library.  $15 p/person.  Email or call the library (742-1820) to register.

Children’s Programs

STEM Robotic Painting—Saturday—September 9—11am-Noon in the Children’s Room for ages 5+  Per Vendor:  Limited to 15 participants.  Email or call the library (742-1820) to register.

Story Time with Miss Beth—Tuesdays—September 12, 19 & 26; October 3, 10 & 17—11 am-11:45 am in the Children’s Room.  Limited to 15 participants.  No Walk-Ins!  Email or call the library (742-1820) to register.

Flower Burst Mirror with Doris Benter—Tuesday—September 12—4-5pm in the Children’s Room for grades 1+.  $5 p/person.  Per vendor:  Limited to 20 participants.  Email or call the library (742-1820) to register.

Gobbie Keychain Craft—Saturday—September 23—10-11am in the Children’s Room for ages 5+.  $3 p/person.  Limited to 40 participants.  Email or call the library (742-1820) to register.

Zombie House Painting with Lisa Colon—Saturday—October 21—10-11am in the Children’s Room for ages 7+.  $5 p/person.  Per Vendor:  Limited to 20 participants.  Email or call the library (742-1820) to register.


The library is proud to work with Kayla, of Girl Scout Troop 1825 on her Gold Award.  She has established a Pen Pal Program for children in grades 1-8.  If any children are interested, parents are welcome to stop by the Reference Desk to complete a small registration form.  This is not a sponsored library activity; Kayla will be in charge of the project.  All information is confidential.


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