Wheatley School students win DECA state competition

Wheatley School students win DECA state competition
From left, Michael Wang, Michael Emouna, Riya Mittle, Sasha Rosenzweig, Tyler Richman, Mahdi Bhalloo, and Steven Jarrahy from The Wheatley School in the East Williston School District won several awards in various categories of the DECA State Competition with DECA Club adviser Kristen Malik. (Photo courtesy of the East Williston School District)

Earlier this year, eight students from The Wheatley School, in the East Williston School District, qualified to compete in the DECA Inc., formerly known as Distributive Education Clubs of America, state competition. This year, New York State qualifiers competed virtually against other DECA students from across the state.

When the winners were announced, the students’ determination and commitment to succeed were recognized with numerous accolades. Congratulations to the following DECA state competition award winners:

First Place Winners:

• Marketing Communications Event: Junior Riya Mittle. This is the second consecutive year Riya has won first place.

• Financial Services Team Event: Juniors Mahdi Bhalloo and Steven Jarrahy.

Third Place Winner:

• Apparel and Accessories Marketing Event: Junior Tyler Richman.

Top Ten Award Winners:

• Accounting Applications Exam and Accounting Applications Roleplay Events: Junior Michael Wang.

• Travel and Tourism Team Event: Juniors Michael Emouna and Sasha Rosenzweig.

Mahdi Bhalloo, Steven Jarrahy, Riya Mittle and Tyler Richman have also qualified to move on to the DECA National Competition which will be held in Georgia in April.

The East Williston School District takes great pride in congratulating all the DECA students who qualified and competed in the state competition and wishes continued

success to those who will be moving on to the state competition. Special thanks to DECA adviser, Kristen Malik for her guidance and support of these students.

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