Village board approves installation of additional traffic signage

Village board approves installation of additional traffic signage

Consistent with the Board’s initiative of enhanced traffic safety and in response to a lengthy discussion inclusive of public input, the Village of Great Neck Board of Trustees voted unanimously to authorize the Department of Public Works to install additional signage at three locations.

The location of the signs will be at the intersections of Hampshire Road and Fairview Avenue, (East/West) and Berkshire Road and Croyden Avenue (east/west and north.) An additional sign will be added at the intersection of Hicks Lane and Forest Row, alerting motorists that a stop sign is ahead.

The agenda item triggered an over hour-long discussion, with several residents who offered their concern as to the intersections being the site of several accidents. 

Mayor Bral echoing the village’s Public Works Superintendent Louis Massaro’s, contention that people need to pay heed to speed limit signs and drive safer. Bral furthered added, “We do have speed limit signs, but they might not be enough.”

Signage-related, the meeting commenced with Bral’s remarks recognizing the one-year anniversary of the passing of former Deputy Mayor Raymond Plakstis, and dedicating Allen Lane, “Raymond Plakstis Jr. Way.”

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