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The Herricks Leisure Club’s winter woes

By Dorothy Daly

Waning winter – certainly one that was full of surprises – record cold and record warmth, silvery snow, the winds of March. But the seniors of the Herricks Leisure Club weathered the whims of the season and now look forward to the delights of spring.

Indeed, our members did not allow those diverse conditions to dampen our enthusiasm for life’s adventures as our club offered opportunities for braving nature’s wrath.

Although the “blizzard” of 2018 precluded our first meeting after the holidays on Jan. 4, we were welcomed us back in force on Jan. 11. Vice President Frank Vendinello entertained us with an excerpt from his joke repertoire. Corresponding Secretary Terry Lanese recounted her phone conversation with the Rallo’s who have moved to Ohio but still miss us. Terry also conveyed that Mary Wesley suffered a broken wrist and Renee Le Dour had back surgery. Treasurer Jim Kovalsky offered a concise financial report and Director Hilda Escobar wished us a belated Happy New Year.

Our get-together on Jan. 18 featured a celebration of two anniversaries and 11 birthdays conducted by our President Lillian Ciesluk. Ciesluk also encouraged us to use wipes during the flu epidemic and to file property tax grievances. Dave Monfort offered his services in obtaining tax rebates and Joan Wiener amused us with a timely anecdote.

Due to a special school function no meeting was held on Jan. 25, but our assembly on Feb. 1 presented the opportunity to honor this month’s six birthdays and the 57th anniversary of the Di Benedettos and 61st of the Vendinellos – our club is truly blessed with enduring relationships.

Our excursion to the exciting Yonkers Casino took place on Feb. 7 followed by our meeting the next day. Recording Secretary Bud Taverna notified us that Legislative Chairperson Tess Fiorentino suffered a back injury. Membership Chairlady Jeanette Kovalsky thanked Bud for constructing new nametags for our group.

A most interesting presentation awaited us when we convened on Feb. 15, Lori Ginsberg of Northwell Health captured our attention with her dissertation and slide show on the prevention of falls. Hilda also offered data on the new “hearing phone” for those with audiological impairment.

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The President’s week school closing again precluded a meeting on the 25th but an edifying assembly ensued on March first. Our Vice-President spoke of his vacation in Cancun and notified us that long-time member Grace Flad had passed away.

Kovalsky again reported on our fiscal status and Ciesluk supervised a lively remembrance of 17 birthday celebrants, two of whom had reached their 90th year – Sally Pihl and Gloria Sauber.

Alas, we were to meet on March 8 to indulge in a St. Patrick’s luncheon but another Nor’easter prevented that event from happening – the luck of the Irish eluded us this year.

March 14 found us motoring to the Empire Casino where we enjoyed a scintillating experience escorted by Rita Ruffini.

Our next get-together on March 15 was a special one for it was the occasion of our “Trash and Treasure” event. We thank Kovalsky and her helpers for producing a most engaging fund-raiser.

March 21 was scheduled to be our last meeting before the Easter and Passover break but a fourth Nor’easter arrived to scuttle our plans –was Mother Nature unaware that we were two days into spring?

Indeed, this myriad of club activities which informed and entertained us has enabled the members of the Herricks Leisure Club to cope with the whims of winter and to anticipate the delights of a hopefully quieter new season.

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