Temple Judea to host singles holiday night

Temple Judea to host singles holiday night

Temple Judea is hosting a singles holiday event for Dec. 3 at 7:00 pm.   

All singles are invited to celebrate the warmth of the holidays, with an opportunity to make new friends and see familiar ones. The event will feature hot latkes, crudités, desserts, wine, sodas, door prizes soft music and a dreidel spin contest. Everyone will have one spin with a giant dreidel and everyone will win Chanukah gelt or a dreidel gift.

Author Fran Greene, who is known as a flirting, dating and relationship coach, will be presenting a program based upon her bestselling books “Dating Again with Courage and Confidence” and “The Secret Rules of Flirting.” Greene has been featured on radio and television shows. Her books can be purchased at the event.

These events in the past have had more than 100 singles attending.

Donation: $14  Reservations are a must. Call the Temple office 516-621-8049 or email templeoffice@temple-judea.com to make a reservation. Temple Judea of Manhasset is located off Long Island Expressway exit 36 at 333 Searingtown Road.

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