Teens and young adults celebrate prom at the Center for Developmental Disabilities

Teens and young adults celebrate prom at the Center for Developmental Disabilities

Under the colorful, candy theme of “Sweet Celebration,” approximately 25 teens and young adults from the Center for Developmental Disabilities recently attended their prom.  As pictured, attendees enjoyed this special milestone in every young person’s life.

The Center for Developmental Disabilities in located in Woodbury. Those invited were either participants of the Center’s day program (serving children ages 5-21) who have an educational classification of autism, intellectual disability, or multiple disabilities or the residential program at the Center to support the learning of communication skills, personal hygiene and grooming, domestic skills, effective use of leisure time, socialization, as well as life-long learning for employment and recreational opportunities.

Flowers for the prom, including corsages and boutonnieres, were donated by 1-800 Flowers.

The Center for Developmental Disabilities is a part of the Kinexion Network, a management service organization representing seven local not-for-profit organizations serving more than 5,000 people living with intellectual or developmental disabilities or both.

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