SMART van to visit North Hempstead

SMART van to visit North Hempstead

The Town of North Hempstead’s Department of Services for the Aging is proud to partner with the Family and Children’s Association to bring the Senior Mobile Access to Resources & Technology Van to the Town on Tuesday, Nov. 14 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Clinton G. Martin Park at 1601 Marcus Ave. in New Hyde Park.

The SMART Van is a new and innovative program that was designed to help older adults stay engaged with technology. It has a mobile technology lab that can provide technological training, connections to resources, and informal counseling. Participants will learn how to comfortably use a tablet, connect to wi-fi, send and receive emails, and learn more about how technology can help improve their overall well-being.

The Family and Children’s Association will also have staff on hand to assist with Medicare open enrollment.

No appointments are necessary. For more information, please call 311.

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