Thanks to assistance from their colleagues, New Hyde Park Memorial High School special education teachers Kathryn Griffin and Lorin Wirth-Eckl are working towards National Board Certification.
The pair is being mentored and supported by Floral Park Memorial High School teachers Amanda Abbott and Christina Dierlam. Abbott and Dierlam became certified candidate support providers last year, taking courses in the spring and summer months through New York State United Teachers and National Board. Completing these courses enables them to run SUNY Empire-supported cohorts to help guide candidates through the National Board Certification process.
To become National Board certified, teacher candidates must take an exam, complete writing assignments and create videos in the areas of content and knowledge, differentiation and instruction, teaching practice and learning environment, and demonstrate their ability to be effective and reflective practitioners.
Abbott and Dierlam plan to offer their assistance to other district colleagues and will host meetings to share information in the upcoming months.