Sewanhaka High School named social studies teacher Mike Sakowich as Teacher of the Month for September.
Social Studies Department Chairperson Matthew Schwartz said it was his “profound honor and privilege” to nominate Sakowich.
“Mr. Sakowich has shown his dedication and honorable Sewanhaka spirit throughout his tenure at Sewanhaka. He has been the leader and adviser of Model United Nations, the premiere Social Studies club and activity at the district,” Schwartz said. “His club routinely brings in ‘the hardware’ at what we call ‘away conferences.’ His students are diligent, hardworking and demonstrate the leadership qualities that Mr. Sakowich has worked hard to instill in them.”
While Model UN is a large focus of Sakowich’s social studies teaching, he is also an important member of the social studies department, as he teaches Advanced Placement and Regents courses. Sakowich coaches junior high football and varsity lacrosse. Both teams have trended upward since he became involved. However, the activity that sets him apart is his membership on the Cultural Proficiency Committee.
Last year, the district embarked on a unique challenge to reach a point where all members of society better understand and learn from each other. Sakowich contributed heavily to this committee and will continue to do so in the future.