Jack Blank, a Roslyn Middle School eighth-grader enrolled in the class, Biz LIFE 8, won first place in The Stock Market Game. He earned his win by competing against 4,275 teams in New York State.
The game, which ran from October 4 through December 11, 2021, began with teams holding a virtual value of $100,000 to invest in NYSE and NASDAQ stocks. Jack earned $67,401 on his investments, with top holdings that included a variety of mid-cap and large-cap stocks. “Working with Jack was inspiring,” said Roslyn Middle School teacher Audrey Demas. “He used what he learned in class and had great insight into his stock picking strategy. I commend him on his ability to persevere, even as his portfolio initially decreased in value!”
The Stock Market Game—a program of the SIFMA corporation—is an online simulation of the global capital markets that engages students in grades 4-12 in the world of economics, investing, and personal finance.