The Village of East Hills will hold its annual blood drive for the New York Blood Center in the Village Theater at the Park at East Hills on Saturday, June 1 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Blood drive: Anyone who is healthy, 16 years of age or older (under age 18 requires parental consent), and weighs at least 110 pounds is eligible to donate blood. The procedure takes just 10 to 12 minutes and is performed by a trained professional from the New York Blood Center. People age 76 and older can donate blood if they meet all criteria and present a physician’s letter. Lior Schwartz, student co-chair from Roslyn Middle School stated: “Each donation helps up to three people of all ages. Accident victims, burn victims, people undergoing heart surgery and many others who need emergency blood donations will benefit.”
Appointments are required for blood donations. To schedule an appointment or if you have any questions please contact:
Adam Liebowitz at Adzee2004@gmail.com and 516-458-0390 or Lior Schwartz at Liorsergei@gmail.com and 201-248-8533.
A sign-up sheet will also be at the entrance to the East Hills Pool over Memorial Day weekend.
Medication drive: Additionally, the village will be teaming up with law enforcement for its first ever pill drive where residents can dispose of unwanted or expired pills and prescription medication to prevent them from getting into the wrong hands or contaminating the environment. Liebowitz, Roslyn High School student chair, is concerned that parents are unaware of the dangers of keeping prescription drugs around their homes. He stated that “Prescription drug abuse among high school students is a serious problem because prescription drugs are way too accessible.” He hopes that by clearing out your medicine cabinets, you can help keep your children and their friends safe and healthy.
Trustee Clara Pomerantz, who arranged for a police presence for the medication drive stated, “We are happy to work closely, in partnership with the 6th Precinct Police Force to have two police officers present to collect outdated and unwanted medications from the hours of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Village Theater on June 1, 2019.”
The blood program was originally created by East Hills resident Cliff Lewisohn.
Submitted by the Village of East Hills