Mineola RISE students start the day with coffee and smiles

Mineola RISE students start the day with coffee and smiles

Every Friday, learners in the Reaching Independence through Support and Education program at Mineola High School are delivering coffee and treats to faculty and staff and gaining valuable lessons in return.

First thing in the morning, the students are excited to organize the orders made the day before. They help prepare the coffee and sort the items before heading out, with help from a teaching assistant, to make the deliveries.

The learners practice greeting the customers, handing over their orders, taking money, giving change and thanking them. Deliveries aren’t just limited to the high school.

Often the learners make their way to the Synergy building and district office across the street, which usually involves seeing old friends and meeting new ones!

After all the deliveries are made, the students learn to count the money and find out how much they made in tips. They can decide whether to use the tips to get a treat from the vending machine now or wait to use it during a trip to Dunkin’ Donuts.

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