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Ra honors winner of 2020 video challenge

Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) with contest winner Jacob Tabari and his family. (Photo courtesy of the office of Assemblyman Ed Ra)

Recently, Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) held a plaque presentation ceremony at his district office to honor Jacob Tabari, the winner of his 2020 Video Challenge.

This year’s challenge was titled “The Struggles of High School.”

Tabari composed a rap song detailing the daily challenges he faces, including academic rigors and social pressures. He currently attends Wheatley High School in Old Westbury.

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“We want to encourage students to be open about their feelings and to be mindful of their mental health. Creating art is such a positive outlet for these students. I want to congratulate Jacob for his outstanding work,” Ra said.

Tabari’s winning video received over 100 likes, the most of the nine submissions to Ra’s Facebook page

Submitted by the office of Assemblyman Ed Ra

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