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PYA Golf Outing set for October 14

Kenny Henderson, Ronnie Henderson, Connie O’Reilly and Jim O’Neill. O'Reilly and O'Neill represent the presenting sponsor of the PYA Golf Outing, Finn MacCools. The outing is scheduled for Oct. 14 at the Village Club of Sands Point. (Photo courtesy of Port Youth Activities)

On Monday, Oct. 14 or Columbus Day, Port Washington Youth Activities will hold its 22nd annual Marty Rybecky Memorial Golf Outing at the Village Club of Sands Point on Middle Neck Road in Port Washington. The event is once again sponsored by Finn MacCool’s restaurant and Connie O’Reilly.

Further information on the golf outing is available at Arena Sports Store at 52 Main Street, or by calling the outing chairman Nick DeMeo at (516) 944-6573, or Port Washington Youth Activities Program Director Brandon Kurz at (516) 944-7921. Those interested can also go online at to register their foursome and pay by credit card. Additional sponsorships and tee signs are still available.

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Submitted by Port Washington Youth Activities. 

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