Problem Gambling Awareness Month

Problem Gambling Awareness Month

Did you know that March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month?

With the expansion of gambling opportunities in New York State the gambling landscape has drastically changed.  This increase in accessibility and availability is putting more people at risk, making the work of raising awareness of problem gambling more important than ever before.

Gambling is any activity where a person risks an item of value, such as money or property, on the outcome of an event which is determined mostly by chance in the hopes of a positive outcome.

The National Council on Problem Gambling indicated that 60% – 80%of high school students report gambling for money in 2022.

Gambling becomes a problem when it gets in the way of work, school or other activities, harms your mental or physical health, hurts you financially, damages your reputation, or causes problems with your family or friends.

Simply put, problem gambling is when gambling starts having a negative impact on your life.

This impact can lead to gambling disorder or gambling addiction. The consequences can affect one’s mental health, damage relationships, create difficulty at work or school, and lead to financial problems.

Problem gambling can affect anyone, at any point in their lives, and can also affect friends and families of those struggling with their gambling.

Often family members worry about loved ones, trying to help financially, and wondering how best to handle the situation. NYCPG provides connections to individualized support including counseling, peer support and referrals to anyone in need.

This month, the New York Council on Problem Gambling (NYCPG) asks everyone across New York State – individuals, agencies and communities alike – to come together to S.E.E., Support, Educate and Engage to reduce gambling harm.

Together we can raise awareness of the issue of problem gambling and get those in need connected to support services in their own community.

To find out how you can get involved in problem gambling efforts this month, and all year round, visit

The Problem Gambling Resource Center is a program of the New York Council on Problem Gambling dedicated to addressing the issue of problem gambling within New York State.

NYCPG is funded by the NYS Office of Addiction Supports and Services. The vision of the PGRC is the positive transformation of lives harmed by problem gambling.  To learn more visit .


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