The Port Washington Garden Club is looking for new members who want to share their love of gardening and make new friends.
The PWGC is a social group of likeminded people in the neighborhood. We are passionate gardeners, who share a common love of flowers and interest in horticulture. This past summer found us puttering in our yards, tending to and enjoying our colorful flower gardens, taking care of potted flowering plants, hanging flower baskets, foliage plants and annual beddings and enjoying the bountiful harvest of vegetable gardens.
Now is the time for the beautiful autumn colors of mums, cabbages, fall blooming flowers and perfect weather for a fall vegetable and herb garden. Fall is the time to save annual seeds, take cuttings, and bring plants in. Perennials need to be cut back, divided and transplanted. It’s the perfect time to transplant trees and shrubs, prune dead branches and dig up and winterize tuber plants.
It’s also time to Birdscape, providing food water and protective cover to help the survival of the many species that migrate through or live here year round. All the hard work in the fall leads to a beautiful spring. Now is the time to plan for next year, perhaps, adding a butterfly garden to attract these beautiful pollinators.
Our civic duties continue with community beautification. We plant, water and maintain the box container on the stone wall at the P.W. Town Dock with filler and spiller plantings. We continue to beautify the Kiwanis Memorial at the entrance of the Town Dock with an assortment of plantings. The three window boxes at the front entrance of the P.W. Train Station greet commuters with a great assortment of attractive plantings, offering beautiful color combinations and textures.
Weekly, a flower arrangement designed by a club member is displayed at the P.W. Library. We design holiday arrangements that are displayed throughout the library. At our Holiday Luncheon, we bring gifts for the homebound. Recently, we proudly supported the Sands-Willets House with a donation toward the renovation of their Colonial garden, along with an engraved brick.
Meeting monthly, our calendar is always full. Members share their knowledge with presentations on horticulture topics of their choice. Master gardeners and speakers are invited to present programs regarding their specialized interest and expertise. The Garden Club offers hands-on sessions in flower design, the art of flower arranging. Trips with guided tours to grand, well-kept gardens and arboretums on Long Island always inspire and enlighten.
We would like to thank Fred, from Falconer Florist for the beautiful pansies he planted at the PW Train Station window boxes for spring beautification. The pansies were long lasting and spectacular. We also thank Fred for his generosity and recently hosting an evening of flower design with master flower designer, Sean Beckert, sharing his expertise and artistry.