Long Island health coach launches app to lift the spirit

Long Island health coach launches app to lift the spirit
Lorraine Miller

In 2010, Port Washington resident Lorraine Miller found herself struggling to be happy. She and her husband wanted desperately to become parents, but after 5 years of failed fertility treatments and adoption disappointments, their dream remained on hold.

“I knew I had so much to be grateful for,” says Miller, “but the stress and uncertainty of my situation made it difficult to move on. I began praying for a tool to help me feel better.”

At the advice of her health coach, Miller began keeping a gratitude journal and within weeks started to feel happier.

“It was an unexpected miracle during a very difficult time.”

Three years later another miracle arrived when she gave birth to her son who is now 8.

“My gratitude practice not only helped me get through a rough time in my life, it has allowed me to appreciate every part of motherhood and has made me a better Mom.”

Miller has since devoted her professional work to inspiring others to practice gratitude daily as a tool for self-care.

Earlier this year she re-launched her app, Gratitude To Bliss, which now includes 365 days of tips and inspiration for bringing gratitude into your life in a powerful way.

“The holidays can be rough for some people, especially if they’ve lost someone, are struggling financially, or are unable to see their families due to the pandemic,” says Miller.

“Gratitude can help. It lifts the spirit and helps you spiral up to a brighter outlook in a matter of weeks”

“Research shows that focusing on what we are grateful for increases happiness by 20-25%, and I am living proof of that. It is also proven to reduce stress and and increase immunity.”

Miller says she created the app because she wanted others to experience what she experienced. “It’s such a simple tool that we often take it for granted. My app helps people remember to practice every day because there is a built-in reminder that you can set for whatever time works for you. I give you coaching tips and inspiration along the way so you stick with it.”

“The world is in transition right now,” says Miller. “My hope for the Gratitude To Bliss App is that it helps people look to gratitude within themselves to help them get through this time and to create a ripple effect for others to follow.”

The Gratitude To Bliss App is available through iTunes and Google Play.

Lorraine Miller is a spiritual health coach, Author and speaker. She has written several books including “A Year of Daily Gratitude” (National Geographic Books) and the award-winning journal, “From Gratitude To Bliss: A Journey In Health And Happiness,” available at gratitudetobliss.com.

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