Overdose prevention workshop on the North Shore

Overdose prevention workshop on the North Shore

Opioid and heroin abuse is a serious issue, but proper response to overdoses can help save a life. Each day at least one person dies from an opiate or heroin overdose.

Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton encourages residents to attend a Narcan training.  “The opioid epidemic is worsening at an alarming rate,” she says, “but Narcan is saving more and more lives each day.”

Learn how to recognize and overdose and how to reverse it. Attendees will not only receive free training, but also a free overdose rescue kit (Nalaxone).

With the support of Nassau County Executive Laura Curran, New York State Senator Carl Marcellino, and New York State Assemblyman Charles Lavine, the overdose prevention workshop will take place on Monday, March 5, 7 to 9 p.m., at Congregation Tifereth Israel at 40 Hill St. in Glen Cove.

To register for this event, go to www.nassaucountyny.gov/overdosetraining.

For any questions, contact DeRiggi-Whitton’s office at 516-571-6211.

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