North Middle School to present plays on Nov. 21

North Middle School to present plays on Nov. 21
North Middle will present an evening of One Act plays on Nov. 21. (Photo by Bill Cancellare)

North Middle School will present an evening of one-act plays and monologues on Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 7:30 p.m., in the Daniel J. Tomaselli Auditorium, 77 Polo Road.

Plays to be performed include: Three-and-a-Half Years!!! And I Am Sick of You, by Mary Krell-Oishi; Dead or Alive and The Dance, both by Laurie Allen; The Doctor Won’t See You Now, by Kelly Meadows; and The Cheerfully Geeky, Dramatically Bullish, Talentless Talent Show, by Lavinia Roberts.

The Cheerfully Geeky, Dramatically Bullish, Talentless Talent Show, the final play of the evening, will be jam-packed with song, dance, and laughs as it illustrates what happens when a group of talentless students attempt to put on a school talent show.

Marissa Dove, One Acts director/English teacher, promises an evening “guaranteed to be fun-filled and entertaining!”

For more information, please contact Ms. Dove at (516) 441-4544, or at

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