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North Hempstead announces winter youth recreation program

North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Council Member Viviana Russell, and the town board announced a new winter youth recreation program at the “Yes We Can” Community Center in Westbury.

Classes are open to “Yes We Can” members and will include instructional basketball, soccer, and volleyball classes for children ages six through 12. Each session will be eight weeks long. Classes for six- and seven-year-olds will require a guardian to remain with the child during the program.

Youth instructional basketball will introduce the concept of teamwork and instill self-confidence in participants. Classes will provide total skill development involving all aspects of the game which include dribbling, passing, scoring, and defense.

Youth indoor instructional soccer will focus on the fundamental techniques of the game and provide physical conditioning that develops stamina and endurance. Participants will learn skills such as dribbling, passing, ball control, game technique, and defense.

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Youth instructional volleyball is designed to offer basic volleyball skills which include the fundamentals of the serve, passing, spiking, and blocking. Rules and court strategy will also be part of the course as well as scientific foundations of healthy living and play.

For more information please call 311 or 516-869-6311.

Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead

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