Nassau Inter-County Express/NICE Bus will resume fare collection effective Saturday, June 27.
Fare collection was temporarily suspended for fixed-route and Able-Ride paratransit services during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, helping to support social distancing between passengers and operators while providing economic relief to essential workers using public transit.
Effective June 27, the fare is $2.75 for fixed-route service and $3.75 for the Able-Ride service.
Customers transferring from New York City/MTA services will also be required to pay the fare.
NICE Bus provides riders with several convenient fare payment options.
• Riders are encouraged to use the “NICE GoMobile” smartphone app for secure, touch-
free fare payment as well as real-time routing information. The app is free to download for
iOS and Android phones at www.nicebus.com/Tools/GoMobile-App.
• MTA MetroCard
• Coins (as a reminder, fareboxes do not accept dollar bills)
• Paper transfers for cash payments will be issued upon request
More information about fares—including reduced fares for seniors, disabled, students, and children—is available at www.nicebus.com/Fares-Passes.
NICE Bus remains vigilant about the health, safety, and wellbeing of riders and employees. Riders can resume boarding the front of the bus and should maintain social distance while completing their fare payment. Passengers are required to wear a face mask or face covering and are asked to follow common sense hygiene while on the bus. Any passenger not wearing a mask may be refused service.
For the safety of other riders and operators, NICE Bus continues to disinfect all high-touch areas multiple times a day, with a deep clean of all vehicles performed nightly. High-touch areas include poles, handrails, seats, benches, and grab bars on all vehicles.
NICE Bus offers the following rider wellness tips:
• Wear a face mask or face covering when using public transit
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
• Use hand sanitizer stations available at NICE transit hubs
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve
• Stay home when you are sick
• Seek medical attention as needed
Submitted by Epoch5