Lake Success Jewish Center announces December events

Lake Success Jewish Center announces December events

The Lake Success Jewish Center announces their upcoming December events, including a talk on U.S.-Israel relations, a Hanukkah celebration, and a musical service and shabbat dinner.

On Sunday, Dec. 10 at 10 a.m., the center will host a conversation with Professor Rhea Siers entitled “The US-Israel Security Partnership: A Success Story.”

Siers is an expert on counterterrorism policy and Middle East intelligence. She served as a senior intelligence officer for over 30years in the U.S. Intelligence Community.

She is the former deputy associate director for policy at the National Security Agency, and is now on the faculty of George Washington University and Johns Hopkins University, where she has developed courses on the Middle East, cybersecurity and intelligence issues.

A community Hanukkah Celebration will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 13 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. After students light the Menorah and sing Hanukkah songs, attendees can enjoy latkes, jelly donuts and some Hanukkah games. The celebration is open to the entire community.

There will also be a Friday night alive musical service and shabbat Hanukkah dinner on Dec. 15 at 6 p.m. There is no cost for the dinner and all from the community are welcome.

For more information, contact the Lake Success Jewish Center at (516)466-0569 or

The center is located at 354 Lakeville Road in Lake Success.

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