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Herricks Middle Schools musicians learn from marine ensembles

Photo courtesy of Herricks Public Schools

Herricks Middle School musicians in Wind Ensemble (Alicia Brown, adviser) and Chamber Orchestra (Geoffrey Stone, adviser) participated in the “Music In Our Schools” program sponsored by the president’s own Marine Ensembles.

Wind Ensemble students watched a performance by members of the President’s Own Marine Band titled “Why I Love Playing Music.”

Students were then very fortunate to receive a Google Meet visit from French horn player SSgt. Timothy Huizenga for a question and answer session.

Huizenga was very inspirational to our students speaking about his passion for music and motivating the students to strive to be their best.  The students also enjoyed his stories about meeting and performing for current and past presidents of the United States.

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Chamber orchestra students watched a performance by members of the Marine Chamber Orchestra titled, “String Colors: Painting with Sound.”

Students were then fortunate to receive a Google Meet visit from violinist SSgt. Wang. Students were fascinated to learn about the unique aspects of performing different styles of music for the different presidents.

Wang focused on the importance of applying creativity to the performance and being a flexible musician.




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