Conservation Society – Trustee Lynn Pombonyo
As Centennial Gardens begins to burst with spring color, we salute the hundreds of volunteers who make that possible. Beginning with Conservation Society Chairman Dennis McEnery, decades of dedicated Conservation Society (FPCS) volunteers have created and cared for the beautifully unique flowers, bushes and trees that have matured and come together to create the Gardens’ magnificence. Many other individuals and organizations are now joining those FPCS efforts. This past month alone includes the Floral Park Bellerose Rotary Club who, in conjunction with the Catherine Violet Hubbard Foundation, are creating a Butterfly Garden near the stage to celebrate the theme “Creating Kindness Together.” The flowers being planted will attract beautiful monarch butterflies to that spot. Also at the Gardens this weekend, clearing brush and weeds, were Chaminade High School student volunteers and Boy Scout Troop 298 from New Hyde Park, both groups whose volunteerism is ongoing and sustained. Iris Island is a lovely, new garden created by our children’s recreation program gardening classes and their teacher Mrs. Laura Trentacoste. Thanks to Girl Scout Troop 1484 for refreshing our very special Sensory Garden with eye-catching flowers and other wonders of nature for visitors to experience through their senses of sight, sound, touch and smell (no tasting please). Girl Scout Troop 1859 has adopted an older garden and will refresh it and bring it to new life. We invite you all to consider adopting a garden bed that may have been neglected and restore it to its finest. And there’s Daisy Troop 1277 who planted raised garden beds along Raff Avenue and will follow up by caring for them. Water painting on special blackboards has become a favorite activity in our Children’s Garden, and our Wednesday Mother’s Club has generously supplied this season’s materials. And, last but not least, thanks to all the volunteers, long-time and newcomers, who made the May 1st Gardens Weed-out Day a productive success.
You can find out lots more about the Gardens by viewing the photos and posts on our spectacular Floral Park Centennial Gardens facebook page, created by talented FPCS volunteer Ann Moynagh, and our website at , run by volunteer Steve Koste.
These are just a few examples of our extraordinary Gardens volunteerism. If you are interested in being part of this very special piece of Floral Park, send a personal message on our facebook page or complete a form on our website. And thanks to all for this glorious Floral Park treasure!
Department of Public Works – Trustee Lynn Pombonyo
The resurfacing of Plainfield Avenue, between Hempstead and Jericho Turnpikes, began yesterday, May 17th. They are working during the hours of 8pm to 5am, and have already milled the roadway between Hempstead Turnpike and Clarence Street. Paving will follow shortly. Plainfield residents will be able to access their street and driveways throughout the project. DPW can answer all questions at 326-6320.
Other current DPW projects include filling potholes and clearing out drainage basins Village wide.
Recreation Department – Trustee Lynn Pombonyo
Get ready for a busy summer and register for your summer recreation programs on Wednesday, May 19th, 7-9pm and Saturday and Sunday, May 22nd to May 23rd, 9am-2pm at the pool building. Registration for the remaining open programs will continue thereafter. See the Recreation & Pool Book 2021 online at for the exciting program descriptions of interesting activities and fitness/wellness classes for those of all ages.
Chambers of Commerce and Our Businesses – Trustee Lynn Pombonyo
Outdoor dining is in full swing with many new, attractive outdoor settings for our second season of this very popular dining experience. Enjoy SHOPPING AND DINING LOCAL, and please support all our Floral Park and Stewart Manor businesses throughout Summer 2021!
Fire Department – Trustee Archie Cheng
Earlier this evening, we swore in the new Chief’s Staff of the Fire Department.
Chief of the Department Michael Saville was sworn in as well as Assistant Chiefs Jep Dodson, Brian Hamerman, Dan Bennett and Gil Luger. The Department is in good hands and pray for an uneventful safe year.
There were 92 calls for the month of April.
LIRR Third Track – Trustee Archie Cheng
The Charles Street sound wall work began this past week. Poles have started to be installed from west to east. This work should be completed by the end of May. The actual wall installation will start in July and should take 3-4 weeks. The retaining wall work near Tunnel Street is almost finished up to the west side of the tunnel. Work will be continuing behind the sump with the installation of retaining walls and switch work for the next 4-5 months.
Building Department – Trustee Frank Chiara
The Floral Blvd road reconstruction project is in its last phases of construction. The road is currently being milled and shortly thereafter it will be paved. Please use caution in this construction area. There will be road closures and detours while this work is being performed. If at all possible please try to avoid this area. With the weather holding up and without any unforeseen construction issues this project may be complete within the next few weeks. Residents having any issues related to the construction, please notify DPW so that they will be addressed on the final punch list.
Thank You – Trustee Frank Chiara
I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to Chief Patrick McAllister for his outstanding performance while leading our great Volunteer Fire Department over the last year. Chief McAllister, THANK YOU for your leadership and volunteer service to our community.
I would also like to offer my best wishes to our newly sworn-in Fire Chiefs. Thank you all for your volunteer service to our Village. It is so very much appreciated.
Library – Trustee Jennifer Stewart
With easing Covid 19 restrictions, the library is able to welcome more patrons at the same time. We are happy to announce that the quiet room has been reopened for quiet reading and studying,
Additionally, the creation of the ‘Tween Center’ is well underway with new couches coming soon. Outdoor programs, such as Teen Yoga continue to gain popularity. We are looking forward to adding outdoor concerts on the library lawn in the near future.
Pool – Trustee Jennifer Stewart
Minor repairs on the pool are scheduled to begin shortly, and we remain on track for a June 13 opening. Memberships are already on a pace greater than we had for the pre-covid summer of 2019.
Lifeguards have received their mandated NYS CPR training and are ready to sit poolside and keep watchful eyes over the waters. Please visit the village website at to begin your registration for the 2021 Pool Season.
Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald
I am happy to announce that there will be a Memorial Day Parade this year. The parade will be a hybrid of a car parade most likely starting at Village Hall. The car parade route will be posted on the Village website, Facebook and on 4VS in the next couple of days. The Fire Department, the American Legion and the Board of Trustees will march on Tulip Avenue to Memorial Park and hold its traditional Memorial Day ceremony. I encourage anyone who hasn’t attended to join us to honor those who gave their least measure for our great country.
I would like to give an update on the Belmont Redevelopment Project. Last Friday, Deputy Mayor Lynn Pombonyo, Village Administrator Gerry Bambrick and I met with the Empire State Development Corporation and Senator Anna Kaplan to review some Belmont buffer area items that we have asked for in the past year and a half. They still have work left to do on their side. Yesterday, Deputy Mayor Pombonyo, Trustee Chiara and I we met with residents on Mayfair Avenue and we will be meeting tomorrow with residents on the dead end of Crocus Avenue to review the Belmont matters. We will be following up and hope for a favorable result.
Thank you to Felix (Procaccia) for attending this evening’s meeting and always appreciate all that you do.
Thank You – Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald
“Before offering his remarks with regards to Chief McAllister, as there was a large contingent of the Fire Department on hand and it was the first significant gathering of the Department in over a year, Mayor Fitzgerald started off by thanking the entire Department for their valiant efforts throughout what was a most trying year. The Village is extremely grateful for their dedicated service “
On behalf of the entire Board and Village Administration, I would like extend my thanks and gratitude to you, Chief, for an outstanding job in a most unique and challenging year. Please know that your time, whether spent in the Chief’s office working preparing for meetings, budgets, ensuring that your Department had the proper equipment or sharing a laugh with a fellow volunteer was time well spent. As the Chief of the Department there were many challenges that you faced during the course of the last year, all adeptly handled by you and your staff. As you mentioned in your report the challenges of the last year were unlike any that I know of and in all honesty hope will never have to be encountered by future Chiefs and for that we are grateful.
Now, Chief McAllister, I hope you will enjoy some free time attending and enjoying your concerts. To Joan and your family, thank you for allowing Pat to share his valuable time along with his talents for the past 5 years in service to his fellow residents.
In closing on behalf of my fellow board members and our Village residents’ thank you for your dedicated service to our home… Floral Park.