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Nassau County Comptroller Jack Schnirman delivers Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Nassau County Comptroller Jack Schnirman announced the release of his office’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended Dec. 31, 2020.

The report shows a $128.1 million surplus in Nassau County’s operating funds. This surplus demonstrates that Nassau County managed the financial challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as declining sales tax and other economically sensitive revenues.

The county was able to meet these challenges through effective use of federal funding, debt management and other corrective actions.

“Since the 2018 fiscal year, Nassau County has actively taken steps to navigate out of crisis and position itself to work towards long-term financial stability,” said Schnirman. “Through corrective actions taken by the County, effective application of federal funding and timely debt management, the County ended the year without painful layoffs, cuts in services, or general fund tax hikes, mitigating a potential operating deficit as high as $340 million, ultimately closing the year with a $128 million surplus – 2020 shows a clear success in managing an unprecedented financial crisis.

“It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic had an unprecedented effect on our communities, our local economy, and as a result, our County’s finances. Thinking ahead, my team modeled low, moderate, and high impact scenarios of the effect of the pandemic on sales tax revenues. From the various scenarios performed, our Office’s lower-impact, no second-wave scenario, resulted in the closest estimate of 2020 sales tax revenues to actual revenues performed by any of the County’s fiscal monitors.

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“Our Annual Financial Report shows a clear success in managing an unprecedented financial crisis. Furthermore, the County demonstrated that local government is capable of adaptation and modernization and continued to make progress towards sustainability.”

“By exercising strong fiscal discipline, and using all the available tools, Nassau County is in a strong position to continue our recovery from the pandemic,” said Nassau County Executive Laura Curran. “I am proud we delivered a third straight annual surplus and believe we are on our way to exiting NIFA’s control period.”

Nassau County ended the 2020 fiscal year in a positive position, with a $128.1 million GAAP surplus in its primary operating funds. Factors that drove these results include:

For the first time, Nassau County will receive a special Triple Crown medallion from the GFOA, a designation that signifies the government has received all three GFOA awards (the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award, Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, and Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award).



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