A multi-million dollar project to transform Manorhaven Boulevard has been included in Nassau County’s budget since 2016, but the project was stalled because the Legislative Majority would not approve bonding for this and many other projects. That was the case until December, after Laura Curran was elected as the new County Executive.
Since the project is now underway, Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton and Department of Public Works Engineer Aryeh Lemberger will provide an overview of the project at the beginning of the village’s May 10 Work Session, which begins at 6 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend this meeting.
“I am glad the funding is now in place and we are starting the planning process,” DeRiggi-Whitton said. “These projects do take time, but I want to ensure it is done correctly. This is one of the biggest and most costly projects we have going on in my district and I am very excited to get started.”
A traffic and parking study is complete and the county’s Department of Public Works engineers are beginning a streetscape plan that outlines some ideas for the boulevard. This general concept will, by no means, be set in stone. Rather, it will merely provide details on what will be done (repaving the boulevard, curbs, etc) and offer some thoughts on parking, walkability, and aesthetics in preparation for a public meeting, the date and location for which will be announced well in advance.
“No work will be approved or completed without input from the community,” Manorhaven Mayor Jim Avena said. “We will hold several public meetings to gather ideas and consider them all as the project proceeds.”
What began with a meeting with Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton, Mayor Avena, and Deputy Mayor Priscilla von Roeschlaub to discuss bus shelters, sidewalks, and benches, segued into this major project. Since the county had already approved $1 million to repave the mile-long Manorhaven Boulevard, the DeRiggi-Whitton agreed that Manorhaven’s Main Street deserved renovations beyond repaving and secured an additional $2 million for other improvements. Mayor Avena assigned von Roeschaub to head the project.
“I manage several projects in my role as deputy mayor,” von Roeschlaub said. “But this one is the most important. I cannot wait to see our boulevard when the work is completed!”
You can contact Legislator DeRiggi-Whitton at 516-571-6211 or Mayor Avena at 516-883-7000 if you have questions about this project.