There will be a volunteer clean-up at Whitney Pond Park on Saturday, Oct. 1 at 9:30 am in Manhasset.
The event is in conjunction with the annual International Coastal Cleanup and is open to local residents, scouts and their families, high school students, and others of any age.
The event is hosted by the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee and co-sponsored by the Town of North Hempstead. At the event, volunteers will be asked to sign-in, collect supplies, and then break into groups to pick-up and tally garbage.
The data will be used to inform Ocean Conservancy efforts as well as those of the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee and the New York Chapter of the American Littoral Society.
These local events typically draw around 100 volunteers who collect thousands of pieces of trash weighing hundreds of pounds. For more information on this clean-up, visit:
The Manhasset Bay Protection Committee is an inter-municipal organization aimed at addressing water quality and coastal issues in Manhasset Bay with a coordinated, watershed-level approach.
The committee has 15 member municipalities: Nassau County, the Town of North Hempstead, and 13 Villages that all voluntarily entered into an inter-municipal agreement. The committee’s goals are to protect, restore, and enhance Manhasset Bay so as to ensure a healthy and diverse marine ecosystem while balancing and maintaining recreational and commercial uses.
If you would like more information about Manhasset Bay, please visit the committee’s website at or e-mail the Director at